Lecture by prof. Anna Skolimowska during the meeting of Virtual Laboratory of Digital Editions at University of Warsaw

entitled "Digital edition of Renaissance sources. Corpus of Ioannes Dantiscus' Texts & Correspondence"

The Lecture was given 15 November, 2023. Link to the recording: link

1st prize of „Studia Źródłoznawcze” named after Stefan Krzysztof Kuczyński in the 2022 competition

in the category "Source Editions and teaching aids" for the book:

Corpus epistularum Ioannis Dantisci 1/2

More information about the contest: The Stefan Krzysztof Kuczyński Award

A Polish Envoy in England – Five Hundredth Anniversary of Ioannes Dantiscus’s Visit to ‘a very dear Island’

November 29, 2022, at 17.30–19.00 at the Warburg Institute in London

panel discussion on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Ioannes Dantiscus’s embassy to England

Panel participants: prof. Piotr Wilczek, prof. Norman Davies, prof. Anna Skolimowska, prof. Howard Hotson

More information at: https://warburg.sas.ac.uk/events/ioannes-dantiscus
Brochure: text by Katarzyna Jasińska-Zdun entitled: A Polish Envoy in England – Ioannes Dantiscus’s Visit to ‘a Very Dear Island’

conference Respublica Litteraria in Action 4,
March 18-19, 2022


Conference program

Video Conference Meeting


ID: 899 5318 0496

Introduction to TEI: Training Workshop
10-13 November 2014, Warsaw, Poland

DiXiT Marie Curie ITN
Faculty ‘Artes Liberales’, University of Warsaw
Digital Humanities Centre, Polish Academy of Science

Training workshop organized by Anna Skolimowska (University of Warsaw), Łukasz Cybulski (Polish Academy of Science), DiXiT ER fellow Magdalena Turska (University of Oxford, University of Warsaw) and James Cummings (University of Oxford) targeted at doctoral students and researchers interested in digitizing, encoding and publishing historical sources.

Workshop aims to give an overview of the basic concepts of XML and supporting technologies, familiarize participants with TEI vocabulary, oXygen XML editor and showcase chosen transformation and publication methods for TEI encoded files. We’ll be mixing lectures with hands-on practical sessions to give a taste of cradle-to-grave workflow of digital editing project.

Attendance is free of charge but the registration is required. Please contact Anna Skolimowska or Łukasz Cybulski if you'd like to participate.

We're sorry the workshop is now fully booked.

We'll be using oXygen XML editor during our hands-on session. We'll be providing license keys shortly to all confirmed participants. Please make sure you download and install oXygen before the workshop. For other pre-workshop preparation consult the Before we start section.

Schedule and teaching materials Leaflet Call for Participants Before we start