Laboratory for Source Editing & Digital Humanities is a component of the Faculty of "Artes Librales"- AL UW (formerly Centre for Studies on the Classiscal Tradition in East-Central Europe - OBTA) at the University of Warsaw. The Laboratory has been in existence since 1992. Until 2000 the Laboratory was run jointly with the now defunct Latin and Greek Editing Laboratory of the UW Institute of Classical Studies.

The Laboratory's main research goal is to introduce the correspondence of Ioannes Dantiscus (1485-1548), the humanist, poet and diplomat in the service of King Sigismund I and Queen Bona Sforza, into academic circulation by publishing an inventory of his correspondence and the texts of his letters.

The works on the correspondence are conducted within the Programme „Registration and Publication of Ioannes Dantiscus’ Correspondence (1485-1548)” supervised by the International Scientific Board.

Apart from correspondence, the editing work also encompasses Ioannes Dantiscus' diplomatic speeches, memorials, poems and official records as well as other sources related to his person. Gathering these materials is part of the road to a more distant goal, namely a monograph on Dantiscus.

The Laboratory supports and provides or has provided consultations on paleography and source studies for the following grants and research topics of OBTA/AL UW:

  • Corpus Diplomaticum Hispano-Polonicum
  • Latin as the language of the elites. Res Publica Polonorum and Respublica Litteraria Europaea
  • Edition of the Tragoediae sacrae [R 380] codex from the Uppsala University Library
  • Diversity of Polish dialects in Ukraine compared to Polish dialects in Belarus and Lithuania
  • The correspondence of Mikołaj Serafin
  • The language and literary apparatus of the Latin letters of Ioannes Dantiscus
  • Linguistic contacts of the Polish language in the eastern borderland

Based on its collection of facsimiles of manuscript sources (microfilms, photographs, scans), and on its editorial solutions the Laboratory teaches classes in paleography, source studies, and scholarly editing (DH tools included).